Tired of diets and feeling guilty around food?
It’s time to break free!
I’m here to help you ditch diet culture
You deserve to break free from guilt and judgement and live a life without stressing over food – to discover food freedom, self-accpetance and to feel empowered!
Hi! I’m Lisa
Intuitive eating nutritionist and stress coach here to free you from diet culture and make peace with food for good!
Like many women, I was trapped in the binge-restriction cycle and later “just” a restriction cycle with undereating and tracking everything I ate into MyFitnesspal. Including broccoli which my friend still thinks is funny to this day. I thought I was in control but it turned out I wasn’t at all. I developed an inappropriate behavior with excessive body focus and restrictive eating which had several negative consequences for my health, both physical and mental.
Today I’m no longer trapped and I enjoy food without any guilt or caloriecounting. And I’m now using my own personal experiences, knowledge and education to empower, support and guide other women on their journey to towards personal growth and well-being.
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Stress coach
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Past dieter
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I’m here to
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Get in touch with me
Ready to feel at peace with food and take back control? Tell me a little about yourself and why you want to work with me. Together we will discuss your struggles and goals and find out if we’re a good match.
Or maybe you have a question about intuitive eating, collaborations, recipes, topic requests or just curious to know what my favorite foods are?
Let me know by filling out the form below. I’m so happy you’re here and I can’t wait to hear from you!