
Dive into intuitive eating, friendly nutrition advice, food freedom,
body image, stress and mindset.

Can Intuitive Eating and a Vegan Lifestyle Work Together?

Can Intuitive Eating and a Vegan Lifestyle Work Together?

Spoiler alert: They absolutely can! If you've ever wondered how to reconcile the flexibility of intuitive eating with the structure of a vegan lifestyle, you're not alone. On the surface, they might seem at odds - one says "no rules", while the other is centered on...

What is Thin Privilege and Why Should We Talk About It?

What is Thin Privilege and Why Should We Talk About It?

If you’ve ever heard the term “thin privilege” and weren’t quite sure what it meant, you’re not alone. It’s a concept that’s been gaining more attention lately as people are having more open conversations about body image, body diversity, and equality. In simple...

Why You Don’t Need a New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution

Why You Don’t Need a New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution

As the year comes to a close, we’re bombarded with the familiar wave of New Year’s resolutions, many of which focus on weight loss and body transformation. Every January, people flock to gyms, sign up for diets, and set goals to lose weight — often driven by a desire...

Health at Every Size: Embracing Wellness at Any Body Size

Health at Every Size: Embracing Wellness at Any Body Size

When it comes to health, there’s a common assumption in our culture that thinner is better. Weight loss is often seen as the gold standard for health, but what if I told you that health isn’t just about the number on the scale? Enter Health at Every Size (HAES), a...

5 Common Myths About Intuitive Eating (And the Truth Behind Them)

5 Common Myths About Intuitive Eating (And the Truth Behind Them)

In recent years, intuitive eating has gained widespread attention, becoming a buzzword in wellness and nutrition circles. Celebrities, influencers, and even healthcare professionals are advocating for its benefits. However, with its growing popularity, intuitive...

What Is Intuitive Eating?

What Is Intuitive Eating?

In a world filled with diet trends and weight-loss fads, it's easy to lose touch with the joy and simplicity of eating. Intuitive eating offers a refreshing alternative that prioritizes physical and mental well-being over rigid food rules. Instead of focusing on...